Table of Contents

Class: MadrigalInstrument

MadrigalInstrument is an object that provides access to Madrigal instrument info from the metadata.

This object provides access to all Madrigal instrument information in the metadata files instTab.txt and instType.Tab.

Usage example:

        import madrigal.metadata

        import madrigal.admin


            test = madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument()

            print test.getInstrumentName(30)

        except madrigal.admin.MadrigalError, e:

            print e.getExceptionStr()

Non-standard Python modules used: None

MadrigalError exception thrown if:

  1. MadrigalMetadata fails to open or parse metadata file

  2. Columns expected to be ints or floats cannot be converted

Change history:

Written by Bill Rideout Nov. 9, 2001

__init__ (

__init__ initializes MadrigalInstrument by reading from instTab.txt (or initFile) and instType.txt file (or init2File).


madDB - Existing MadrigalDB object, by default = None.

initFile - String representing the full path to the metadata file. Default is None, in which case file read is MadrigalDB.getMetadataDir()/instTab.txt.

init2File - String representing the full path to the metadata file instType.txt. Default is None, in which case file read is MadrigalDB.getMetadataDir()/instType.txt.

Returns: void

Affects: Initializes all the class member variables.

Exceptions: MadrigalError thrown by MadrigalMetadata if file not opened or parsed successfully. Note that the instTab.txt file was updated with the release of the madrigal python api, and this function will throw an error if used with the old file.

__instrumentSort (

instrumentSort is a private method used to sort tuples of instrument data

getAltitude ( self,  kinst )

getAltitude returns the altitude as a float that matches kinst argument, or None if not found or blank.

Inputs: kinst integer to get altitude.

Returns: the altitude in km above sea level as a float that matches kinst argument, or None if not found or blank.

Affects: None

Exceptions: MadrigalError if any item in row cannot be cast to correct format

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instTab.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
getCategory ( self,  kinst )

getCategory returns the instrument category that matches kinst argument as a string, or None if kinst not found.

Inputs: kinst integer to get altitude.

Returns: the instrument category that matches kinst argument as a string, or None if kinst not found.

Affects: None

Exceptions: MadrigalError if any item in row cannot be cast to correct format

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instTab.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instTtpe.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst2 ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
getCategoryId ( self,  kinst )

getCategory returns the instrument category that matches kinst argument as a string, or None if kinst not found.

Inputs: kinst integer to get altitude.

Returns: the instrument category that matches kinst argument as a string, or None if kinst not found.

Affects: None

Exceptions: MadrigalError if any item in row cannot be cast to correct format

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instTab.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
getContactEmail ( self,  kinst )

getContactEmail returns the contact email as a string that matches kinst argument, or None if not found or blank.

Inputs: kinst integer to get contact email.

Returns: the contact email as a string that matches kinst argument, or None if not found or blank.

Affects: None

Exceptions: MadrigalError if any item in row cannot be cast to correct format

This method added in Madrigal 2.6

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instTab.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
getContactName ( self,  kinst )

getContactName returns the contact name as a string that matches kinst argument, or None if not found or blank.

Inputs: kinst integer to get contact name.

Returns: the contact name as a string that matches kinst argument, or None if not found or blank.

Affects: None

Exceptions: MadrigalError if any item in row cannot be cast to correct format

This method added in Madrigal 2.6

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instTab.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
getInstrumentList ( self )

getInstrumentList returns a list of all instrument names, mnemonics, and their kinst values.

Inputs: None.

Returns: a list of all instrument names, mnemonics, and their kinst values. Each item in the list is a tuple of the form (Instrument Name (string), mnemonic (string), kinst (integer)). Example item: (Millstone Hill UHF Steerable Antenna, mlh, 31)

Affects: None

Exceptions: MadrigalError if any item in row cannot be cast to correct format

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instTab.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
getInstrumentMnemonic ( self,  kinst )

getInstrumentMnemonic returns the 3 char instrument mnemonic that matches kinst argument, or None if not found.

Inputs: kinst integer to get instrument mnemonic.

Returns: the instrument mnemonic that matches kinst argument, or None if not found.

Affects: None

Exceptions: MadrigalError if any item in row cannot be cast to correct format

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instTab.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
getInstrumentName ( self,  kinst )

getInstrumentName returns the instrument name that matches kinst argument, or None if not found.

Inputs: kinst integer to get instrument name.

Returns: the instrument name that matches kinst argument, or None if not found.

Affects: None

Exceptions: MadrigalError if any item in row cannot be cast to correct format

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instTab.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
getLatitude ( self,  kinst )

getLatitude returns the latitude as a float that matches kinst argument, or None if not found or blank.

Inputs: kinst integer to get latitude.

Returns: the latitude as a float that matches kinst argument, or None if not found or blank.

Affects: None

Exceptions: MadrigalError if any item in row cannot be cast to correct format

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instTab.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
getLongitude ( self,  kinst )

getLongitude returns the longitude as a float that matches kinst argument, or None if not found or blank.

Inputs: kinst integer to get longitude.

Returns: the longitude as a float that matches kinst argument, or None if not found or blank.

Affects: None

Exceptions: MadrigalError if any item in row cannot be cast to correct format

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instTab.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
getOrderedInstrumentList ( self )

getOrderedInstrumentList returns a list of all (instrument names, mnemonics, kinst, categories, categoryId), ordered by categoryId and then kinst.

Inputs: None.

Returns: a list of tuples of (instrument name, mnemonic, kinst, category, categoryId) ordered by categoryId and then kinst. Example item: (Millstone Hill UHF Steerable Antenna, mlh, 31, Incoherent Scatter Radars, 1)

Affects: None

Exceptions: MadrigalError if any item in row cannot be cast to correct format

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instTab.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
getOrderedInstrumentListWithData (

getInstrumentList returns information about which instruments have local and global data.


isTrusted - True if client is trusted, False otherwise

localOnly - if False (the default), will return information about both local and global data. If True, then global data ignored.

localExpObj - an MadrigalExperiment object for the local data. If None (the default), will be created.

globalExpObj - an MadrigalExperiment object for the global data. If None (the default), will be created if not localOnly.

allowArchive - if True, allow experiments marked as security==2(public arcive), and if isTrusted, allow security==3(private archive)

requireFiles - if True, only include experiments with Madrigal data files. If False (default), not not require that.

Returns: an ordered tuple of two items: 1. a list of tuples of (instName, localStartYear, localEndYear, globalStartYear, globalEndYear, kinst, categoryId), ordered by by categoryId, then kinst. If localOnly, globalStartYear and globalEndYear = 0. If not local only, localStartYear and localEndYear will be zero if no local data for that instrument. 2. categoryDict - key = categoryId, value = category Description

Affects: None

Exceptions: MadrigalError if any item in row cannot be cast to correct format

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