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Class: MadrigalInstrumentKindats

MadrigalInstrumentKindats is an object that provides access to the metadata file that summarizes the kindat codes associated with each instrument.

This object provides access to all Madrigal instrument kindat information in the metadata file instKindatTab.txt. The metadata file instKindatTab.txt lists, for any given instrument, all the kindat codes found in all the data files in the database associated with that instrument.

This class also contains a method to rebuild the table instKindatTab.txt by examining all the metadata in the database. This is presumably a somewhat slow process and should be done in the background.

Usage example:

        import madrigal.metadata

        import madrigal.admin


            test = madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrumentKindats()

            print test.getKindatListForInstruments([20,30])

        except madrigal.admin.MadrigalError, e:

            print e.getExceptionStr()

Non-standard Python modules used: None

MadrigalError exception thrown if:

  1. MadrigalMetadata fails to open or parse metadata file

Change history:

Written by Bill Rideout Aug. 15, 2002

__init__ (

__init__ initializes MadrigalInstrumentKindats by reading from instKindatTab.txt (or initFile).

Inputs: Existing MadrigalDB object, by default = None.

String representing the full path to the metadata file. Default is None, in which case file read is MadrigalDB.getMetadataDir()/instKindatTab.txt.

Returns: void

Affects: Initializes all the class member variables.

Exceptions: MadrigalError thrown by MadrigalMetadata if file not opened or parsed successfully. Note that the instKindatTab.txt file was new with the release of the madrigal python api, and this function will throw an error if file not there.

getKindatListForInstruments ( self,  kinstList )

getKindatListForInstruments returns a list of kindat codes as integers for the given instrument list.

Inputs: kinstList: a list of kinst integers to get associated kindat list. Also accepts a single integer.

Returns: a list of kindat codes as integers associated with the given instrument list.

Affects: None

Exceptions: if error in metadata file

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError('Error in instKindatTab.txt parsing metadata row: ' + str( inst ), traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
rebuildInstKindatTable ( self )

rebuildInstKindatTable rebuilds the instKindatTab.txt metadata file.

The table instKindatTab.txt is a listing of every kindat found for a given instrument. Since these files are constantly updated, this table needs to be updated on a regular basis. Data from other Madrigal sites is also imported into this table.

How it works: For each instrument in instTab.txt, this method first creates a list of all the experiments that used that instrument. It then loops through the file table. For each file listing, if the file is the default one, and its experiment id is in the list of experiments just created, the kindat is added to the list if its not already there. Data from all other Madrigal sites is then added via getMetadata. It then writes the metadata file in the form: 10, 1001 1002 1003, where the first column in the instrument code and the second column is a space delimited list of kindat codes.

Inputs: None.

Returns: None.

Affects: Writes file instKindatTab.txt in metadata directory

Exceptions: If unable to write instKindatTab.txt file.

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError( 'Unable to write: ' + str( filename ), None )

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