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Class: MadrigalMetadata

MadrigalMetadata is a private class that parses a Madrigal metadata file.

This private class is used by all classes that need to parse a Madrigal metadata file. If the class is called with the name of the metadata file only, the metadata file is assumed to be at $MAD_ROOT/metadata. If a full path name is given that includes a directory separator, then that is used instead. The getList method returns a list with one item for each line in the file. That item for each line is simply a list of strings found in the line. The following is an example metadata file and the list the method getList would return.

Metadata file example:

        Tom, Dick,,Harry
        Sally, Jane,Joe, Dick

The list returned by getList example:

        [['Tom', 'Dick', '', 'Harry'],
        ['', '', 'Joe', ''],
        ['Sally', 'Jane', 'Joe', 'Dick']]

Non-standard Python modules used: None

MadrigalError exception thrown if:

  1. Unable to open metadata file.

  2. All lines in metadata file do not have same number of items

Change history:

Written by Bill Rideout Nov. 8, 2001

__getFullPath ( self,  filename )

getFullPath returns the full path name of the metafile.

Inputs: filename passed in as argument

Returns: The full path name of the metafile. If the filename argument already is a full path, filename is returned unchanged. If the filename is simply the name of a metadata file, then $MAD_ROOT/metadata is appended

Affects: Nothing

Exceptions: None

__init__ (

__init__ initializes the MadrigalCategoryList by reading from __privateList.

Inputs: String metadataFileName - if not a full path, then MadrigalDB.getMetadataDir is included.

Existing MadrigalDB object, by default = None.

allowedLenList - a list of allowed lengths (integers) for data lines. If None (the default), then the rule is that all lengths must be the same.

Returns: void

Affects: Initializes private member variable __categoryList.

Exceptions: None.

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError("Unable to open metadata file " + self.__fileName, traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info() [ 0 ], sys.exc_info() [ 1 ], sys.exc_info() [ 2 ] ) )
__parseLine ( self,  line )

__parseLine adds a list of items in line to __fileList.

Inputs: Line of file to parse (String).

Returns: void

Affects: Adds a list of items in line to self.__fileList.

Exceptions: None.

madrigal.admin.MadrigalError("Wrong number of items found in metadata file " + self.__fileName + " at line " + str(len( self.__fileList ) ), [traceback.format_exc() ] )
getList ( self )

getList returns the list of lists of items in each line in the metafile.

Inputs: None

Returns: The list of lists of items in each line in the metafile. That is, each item in the returned list is itself a list, representing a single line in the metafile. That single line's list is the list of items in that line.

Affects: Nothing

Exceptions: None

toString ( self )

toString returns a simple string representation of a MadrigalMetadata object.

Inputs: None

Returns: String describing a simple representation of a __MadrigalMetadat object.

Affects: Nothing

Exceptions: None

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