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Module: madCalculator is a script run to return a text output of derived Madrigal parameters for a time and a range of gdlat, glon, and gdalt.

It is presently used by the madmatlab methods madCalculator, and via the cgi script the madmatlab method madCalculatorWeb.

It has the following input arguments:

--date=<MM/DD/YYYY> (required)

--time=<HH:MM:SS> (optional - if no HH:MM:SS given, 00:00:00 assumed)

--startLat=<latitude> Starting geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (required)

--endLat=<latitude> Ending geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (required)

--stepLat=<latitude step> Latitude step (0.1 to 90) (required)

--startLong=<longitude> Starting geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (required)

--endLong=<longitude> Ending geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (required)

--stepLong=<longitude step> Longitude step (0.1 to 180) (required)

--startAlt=<altitude> Starting geodetic altitude, >= 0 (required)

--endAlt=<altitude> Ending geodetic altitude, > 0 (required)

--stepAlt=<altitude step> Altitude step (>= 0.1) (required)

--parms=<comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired> (required)

--showHeader (optional) Prints header line before data

--oneD=<parm>,<value> (optional - 0 or more allowed) This argument allows the user to set any number of one-D parameters to be used in the calculation. Value must be parameter name, comma, value as double. Example: --oneD=kinst,31.0 --oneD=elm=45.0

Returns comma-delimited data, one line for each combination of lat, long, and alt, with the following fields:

  1. latitude 2. longitude 3. altitude 4. Values for each Madrigal parameter listed in argument parms, separated by whitespace

If --showHeader given, also prints header line before data

This script, and the corresponding cgi script are available to any scripting language that wants to access Madrigal derived parameters.

$Id: 3304 2011-01-17 15:25:59Z brideout $

isnan ( x )

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